"Hailing from Nova Scotia, Canada, ANGELA BUTT is often an individual that never finds contentment with sitting in one place for long. Spending her sparetime astride her motorcycle, she can more often than not be found out on the roads and in the backcountry looking for just about anything that catches her eye. And when not shooting the unsuspecting (but more often than not quite willing,) with her camera, her employment keeps her outdoors and mobile. Educated with a degree in biology and well-versed as an artist, Angela is certainly an individual of many talents."
- Sean Farrelle, 2008

a self-portrait

YELTH or Raven, is a central figure within Haida mythology. A trickster, he is a reflection of human nature and can be
a magician, a transformer, a potent creative force, sexual deviant or ravenous debaucher but always a cultural hero.

Further explorations into art by Angela can be found at Elduris.ca